Brand sentiment can make or break your business. How?

Brand sentiment represents who you are and what you stand for in the marketplace. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how your audience feels about your brand

It is a term used to describe the attitudes, emotions, and opinions people associate with your brand. Positive sentiment can drive customer loyalty and help your brand’s reputation grow. Negative sentiment, on the other hand, can damage your company’s reputation and cause potential customers to look elsewhere.

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, brand sentiment plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer perceptions. Understanding the nuances of how your audience feels about your brand can be a game-changer for your business.

In this blog post, we explore the importance of brand sentiment and how you can shape it to create a positive brand image. 

What is sentiment in marketing?

Brand sentiment refers to the emotional connection consumers have with a brand. It goes beyond just product satisfaction, delving into the realm of feelings and perceptions. It’s an expression of how your audience perceives your business. 

This sentiment ranges from positive to negative to neutral. Positive sentiment means customers like your product and favor your brand, while negative suggests the opposite.

Why is brand sentiment important?

Brand sentiment directly impacts your business performance, including your ability to attract and retain customers. It is a powerful force that can shape the success of your business. Understanding and measuring can positively impact consumer perception and your online presence.

  1. Influence on purchase decisions:

Positive sentiment significantly influences consumers’ purchase decisions. Customers who feel connected with a brand are more likely to choose its products over competitors.

  1. Brand loyalty and advocacy:

Brands with strong positive sentiment enjoy higher levels of customer loyalty. Satisfied customers become brand advocates, promoting your products through word of mouth and social media.

How to measure brand sentiment?

One effective way to measure it is to use social listening tools, which monitor and analyze the online conversation surrounding your brand. You can identify strengths and opportunities by tracking mentions, engagement levels, and sentiment.

Other valuable metrics include brand awareness, share of voice, and sentiment trends over time. Additionally, conducting customer surveys, focus groups, and customer interviews can provide valuable insights into how your brand is perceived and how to improve it.

How do you build brand sentiment?

Building brand sentiment involves creating positive perceptions and emotions around your brand among your target audience.

Here are some strategies to help you build and maintain positive sentiment:

Understand your audience:

  • Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience’s preferences, values, and expectations.
  • Use surveys, social media monitoring, and other analytics tools to gather insights into customer opinions and behaviors.

Consistent brand messaging:

  • Develop a clear and consistent brand message that aligns with your values and resonates with your audience.
  • Ensure your messaging is coherent across all communication channels, including social media, advertising, and customer service.


  • Be authentic in your interactions with your audience because authenticity builds trust.
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company, highlight employee stories, and be transparent about your business practices.

Engagement on social media:

  • Actively engage with your audience on social media platforms. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly.
  • Encourage user-generated content and share customer stories. This fosters a sense of community and showcases positive experiences with your brand.

Customer service excellence:

  • Provide exceptional customer service. A positive customer service experience can turn a neutral customer into a brand advocate.
  • Address customer issues and complaints promptly and professionally. Use these opportunities to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Quality products/services:

  • Ensure that your products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality is a fundamental driver of positive sentiment.
  • Solicit and act on customer feedback to continuously improve your offerings.

Create emotional connections:

  • Build emotional connections with your audience by telling compelling stories that evoke positive emotions.
  • Incorporate storytelling elements in your marketing campaigns to make your brand more relatable and memorable.

Community involvement:

Get involved in your local community or support causes that align with your brand values. This can enhance your brand’s reputation and create positive associations.

Monitor and respond to feedback:

  • Regularly monitor online reviews, comments, and feedback. Address negative feedback professionally and seek to resolve issues.
  • Express gratitude for positive feedback, reinforcing positive sentiments.

Measure and adapt:

  • Use analytics tools to measure sentiment over time. Analyze the impact of your marketing efforts on sentiment.
  • Adapt your strategies based on the feedback and sentiment trends you observe.

Building sentiment is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and a genuine commitment to meeting customer needs and expectations. Regularly assess your brand’s performance and adjust your strategies accordingly.

What is a good brand sentiment score?

The score measures people’s overall sentiment or attitude toward a particular brand. This score is often calculated based on the analysis of customer reviews, social media mentions, and other relevant data.

However, there isn’t a universal scale or standard for what constitutes a “good” sentiment score because it can vary based on the industry, the nature of the business, and the brand’s specific goals.

Here are some general considerations regarding these scores:

Positive vs. negative sentiment:

  • A positive score indicates that most sentiments expressed about the brand are positive. Conversely, a negative score suggests that the prevailing sentiments are negative.
  • A positive sentiment can increase customer loyalty and advocacy, improve your online reputation, and boost sales.
  • Negative sentiment can cause irreparable damage to your brand, leading to a loss of customers and revenue.

Scale variations:

Different sentiment analysis tools may use different scales for scoring. Some tools use a numerical scale, such as 0 to 100, while others may use descriptive categories like “positive,” “neutral,” and “negative.”

Industry benchmarks:

It can be helpful to compare your brand sentiment score to industry benchmarks, if available. Some industries may naturally have higher or lower sentiment scores due to their nature.

Context matters:

Understand the context of the sentiment. For example, a brand in a highly competitive and controversial industry might have a lower sentiment score compared to a brand in a less contentious field.

Align with business goals:

The definition of a “good” sentiment score should align with the business’s specific goals. For some brands, maintaining a neutral sentiment might be acceptable, while others may strive for consistently high positive sentiment.

Long-term trends:

Assess the sentiment score over time. Consistently improving or maintaining a positive sentiment trend is generally a positive sign for a brand.

Customer feedback:

While sentiment analysis tools can provide valuable insights, it’s essential to complement this data with direct customer feedback and other qualitative information.

Actively seek customer feedback through surveys and reviews. Analyzing this data can provide valuable insights into your brand’s sentiment.

Ultimately, a “good” brand sentiment score reflects positive perceptions, trust, and satisfaction among the target audience. Businesses must set benchmarks based on their industry, market position, and specific objectives.

Regularly monitoring sentiment scores and adjusting strategies accordingly can contribute to building and maintaining a positive brand reputation.

The impact of brand sentiment on SEO

Search engine ranking factors:

Search engines like Google consider user experience a crucial ranking factor. Brand sentiment contributes to a positive user experience, boosting your search engine rankings.

Social signals:

Social media mentions and shares are essential for SEO. Brands with positive sentiment are more likely to be shared and talked about on social platforms, signaling to search engines that your brand is relevant and valuable.

How can I improve my brand sentiment?

  • Engage with your audience on social media.
  • Address customer concerns promptly and transparently.
  • Deliver exceptional customer service.

Shaping brand sentiment

To shape your brand sentiment, you need to be proactive and intentional. Start by creating a strong brand identity that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience. Build a robust content strategy that educates, entertains, and engages your audience.

Utilize social media platforms to connect with your audience and gauge their feedback. Respond quickly and positively to negative feedback, and take the necessary steps to address the issue. Lastly, cultivate a company culture that embodies your brand values and exceeds customers’ expectations through excellent service.

Negative sentiment can damage your brand reputation, resulting in a loss of customers and revenue. On the other hand, positive sentiment can drive customer loyalty and advocacy, improve your online reputation, and ultimately boost sales.

Measuring brand sentiment helps you understand how your brand is perceived, allowing you to shape it to create a positive brand image proactively.


By building a strong brand identity, creating engaging content, utilizing social media platforms, cultivating a positive company culture, and providing excellent customer service, you can shape your brand’s sentiment to build a positive brand reputation that drives business success.

Embrace the power of positive sentiment and watch your brand thrive in the digital landscape. Contact us to get started.