Blockchain development is still in its early stages, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and learn about the latest blockchain development tools and technologies.

It is the process of creating decentralized applications using the blockchain. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Blockchain development requires different skills and tools than traditional web development. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with the best blockchain development tools.

​​This article will provide an overview of the most popular blockchain development tools and how to choose and use them effectively to make the most of your project. Keep reading to learn more!

What are blockchain development tools?

Blockchain development tools are used to create blockchain solutions. Using these tools, you can create and deploy contracts, set up nodes, and manage your network.

Blockchain tools simplify the process of developing a blockchain solution and help you become more knowledgeable about the field.

These tools make it easier for people to get into the blockchain game. If you’re thinking about developing a blockchain project, here are a few key features to look for in a blockchain development tool:

  • The tool should be easy to use. It should be intuitive and user-friendly so you can quickly get it up and running.
  • It should be robust and scalable. The tool should be able to handle large volumes of data and transactions, and it should be able to scale as your project grows.
  • It should be secure. The tool should protect your data and information and have robust security features.
  • It should be compatible with different platforms. The tool should work with other operating systems and platforms to use with your existing infrastructure.

What are the most popular blockchain development tools?

When it comes to blockchain development, you need the right tools to get the job done. If you are a blockchain developer, it’s important to be familiar with various blockchain development tools. While there are many different tools to choose from, the following six tools are some of the most popular and useful tools for blockchain development.

So which tools fit the bill? Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Solidity: a programming language used for writing smart contracts for Ethereum.
  • MetaMask: a browser extension that allows you to run Ethereum apps in your browser.
  • Truffle: a development framework that makes writing and testing smart contracts easy. In addition to Truffle, developers often use Ganache, a local blockchain through which the contract can be tested. 
  • Web3j: a lightweight Android and Java library for integration with Ethereum clients. Tested and popular libraries for integration with Web3 applications or dApps are also Web3.js and Ethers.js. 
  • Geth: the Ethereum client used to mine blocks and create contracts.
  • Mist: the Ethereum wallet that allows storage and use of Ether.

Solidity – the most popular tool for blockchain development

Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level programming language for writing and deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s been designed to target the same abstract machine as Ethereum, making it possible to write contracts compatible with Ethereum’s wallets, nodes, and clients.

Solidity is statically typed, meaning that you can’t change the type of a variable once it’s been declared. It also has features that make development easier, like automatic memory management and a short compilation time. And finally, it has a very user-friendly syntax close to Python.

Using Solidity, blockchain developers can create applications that perform self-enforcing business logic contained in smart contracts, leaving a reliable and authoritative record of all transactions. It is excellent for making contracts for voting, multi-signature wallets, crowdfunding, and blind auctions.


MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that enables users to access the Web 3 ecosystem of decentralised applications (dApps). It is available as a browser extension or a mobile app that allows you to interact with dApps and smart contracts on the Ethereum network. It’s a great tool for developers because it provides a user-friendly interface and makes managing tokens and transactions easy.

If you’re looking for a good way to get started with blockchain development, MetaMask is definitely worth checking out.


Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum. It makes it easy for developers to create and deploy contracts and helps with Ethereum development tasks such as compiling Solidity code, managing assets, and testing contracts.

This so-called Ethereum blockchain framework was created to offer a development environment for creating Ethereum-based applications. It has a vast library collection that provides tailored deployments for creating original smart contracts. 

Truffle also enables the linking, compilation, and deployment of smart contracts and provides a flexible build pipeline for customizing build procedures. 


Every blockchain developer has to be familiar with different tools that help build decentralised applications. One of these tools is Web3j.

Web3j is a Java library for connecting to the Ethereum network. It makes it easy for you to develop applications that use Ethereum blockchain technology. Plus, it’s open source and free to use.

Web3j is well-documented and has a large community of users, so you can get help if needed. It’s definitely a tool worth checking out if you’re looking to build blockchain applications.


Mist is a desktop app that allows you to browse and use the Ethereum network. It’s a great option if you’re looking for more functionalities.

Mist also allows you to create DApps and contracts, and it has a built-in wallet so you can store your Ether and other tokens securely. Plus, it’s open source, so you can customize it to fit your needs.


Geth is Go Ethereum’s standalone CLI client. It is a tool that acts as a node for the Ethereum blockchain and enables users to mine Ether and develop applications that run on the EVM, or Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Geth is one of the most popular Ethereum development tools for retrieving data, submitting transactions, and creating contracts. It’s an open-source tool that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux and is a go-to tool for developers who want to create Dapps.

One of the best things about Geth is that it’s versatile and can be used for various purposes. For example, you can use it to create private networks, test contracts, and submit transactions. It also has a built-in console that makes it easy to debug your code.

How to choose the right blockchain development tools?

blockchain development tools

There are many tools available, but not all are created equal. Some are more user-friendly than others, while others offer more features and functionality. So how do you decide which tools to use? Which one is the right tool for your business, and how do you go about using them effectively for successful project delivery?

It all comes down to what you’re looking for in a development tool. Do you need something easy to use? Or are you looking for something more versatile and flexible? It’s important to consider all your options before making a decision. Let’s dive deeper and see how to do your research and find the right development tools. 

Define your project requirements

When starting a blockchain development project, the first step is to define your requirements. What do you need the blockchain for? Which purpose will it serve?

Once you have a clear idea of what you need, you can start looking for the right development tools. There are many options, but not all of them will be a good fit for your project.

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing development tools:

  • What programming language do you intend to use?
  • What features do you need?
  • Are there any restrictions on who can use the software?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How user-friendly do you need it to be?

Consider the development platform

The first thing you need to do is consider the development platform you’re using. For example, there is a difference between “public” and “private”, “permissioned” and “permissionless” blockchains, so you should do further research on that to decide on choosing the platform that provides what you need. 

Ethereum is probably the most popular example. It is a public and permissionless blockchain that can be an option for development. However, there are always other options such as IBM Blockchain, Polkadot, Hyperledger Fabric, etc.

Once you’ve settled on a development platform, you can look at specific tool sets that can be used for this particular platform. Each tool set has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to find one that suits your specific needs.

And don’t forget that the best tools are only as good if you know how to use them. So make sure you have a team of developers who are skilled in using them.

Decide on the programming language

Depending on the requirements, once you’ve decided on the type of blockchain that is the best option for your project, you now need to choose the right tools which can be used for the development process.

Reviewing the programming language options that can be used for that particular platform is essential. Ethereum, for example, uses Solidity, while Bitcoin uses Java.

Blockchain development tools will vary depending on the chosen blockchain and the programming language, so it’s important to research and find the one that best fits your needs.

Consider the team’s expertise

Before starting to code, there are a few things you need to take into account.

One of the most important is the team’s expertise. Do they have experience in developing blockchain applications? What about cryptography and distributed networks? If they’re unfamiliar with the technology, it will be much harder for them to deliver a successful project.

Determine the budget

Start by estimating the budget for your project. This will help you determine the right tools and services to use.

There are a lot of different development tools out there, and the ones you choose will depend on your budget and your specific needs. Some tools are more expensive than others but offer more features and benefits. That’s why it’s important to compare the top tools and choose the ones that best fit your needs.

If you’re looking for a more general introduction to blockchain development, check out our article on blockchain in software development

Blockchain development tools for successful project delivery

So now that you know more about blockchain development tools, you can start using them for successful project delivery

Blockchain development tools make it easier to create prototypes and pilot projects. With these tools, you can quickly create and test transactions without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This is key for businesses looking to experiment with blockchain technology and see what works and doesn’t. It also allows you to test different ideas without worrying about the consequences.

Since blockchain development tools make creating and managing decentralized applications easier, it is a big plus for businesses that want to take advantage of the security and efficiency of blockchain technology.

Tools like Truffle, MetaMask, or Solidity allow you to create and manage contracts, users, and data sets much faster and easier. This cuts down on development time and helps you get your project up and running quickly.


Do your research. There are a lot of great development tools out there, but not all of them are right for your project. So take the time to do some research and find the ones that will work best for you.

Try a few different tools and see what works best. Not every tool is going to be a perfect fit for every project. So try out a few different ones and see which ones work best.

Stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies. The blockchain development landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies. This way, you’ll be able to choose the right tools for the job and deliver a successful project.

Are you blockchain ready? Feel free to reach out to us! Whether you are an enterprise, SME, or startup, we can deliver any custom blockchain-based solutions your business needs.